Since I last wrote a lot has happened in the chicken world on our farm... First and foremost, our two bantams made the trek to the County Fair. And what an eventful trip that was. The festivities started before we even loaded the car. Adding to my list of first time things I've done this year is bathing a chicken... wait - bathing and blow drying a chicken. How, you might ask. Why, is also a common question...
Well, before the ladies could go to the fair they had to have their nails trimmed, their beaks trimmed - awkward, and they had to have a bath. Amelia was my first victim. I systematically quicked all eight of her toe nails. The poor girl left little tiny bloody nail prints all over the towels. The beak trimming went flawlessly. And the bathing was a hilarious event. Two salad bowls were filled with warm water and placed in the sink - one with mild soap and the other with clear rinse water. Then splash, in she went. I have to say, after a few initial flaps and flutters, she seemed to settle and actually enjoy it. Wash, wash, wash. Rinse, rinse, rinse. And off to the blow-dry station. Now this Amelia loved! She cleaned and preened and relaxed under the warmth of the dryer. Beautiful Golden Seabright ready for Fair.
Repeat with Annabell, BB Red Old English Game bantam. Also a lovely outcome. I will write later about our complete 2010 County Fair experience.