Saturday, June 25, 2011

the tree fort

In the far corner of our property, closest to the road, in the most inconvenient spot ever, a masterpiece has been created. The Tree Fort, RT's labor of love. Now, RT has been building things since he was old enough to hold two objects and stack them together. He is possibly one of the most creative kids I have ever known. Once when he was tiny, he built a city out of blocks on the floor - as many kids do. But, my clever RT rolled the ottoman behind the block city and lined the top of it with blue blocks. When we asked why he did such an odd thing he explained that the ottoman had to hold the sky - the blue blocks... Talk about creating the whole picture in your mind then recreating it for all to see.

RT is a very talented and special boy, as all mothers think their boys are. But in this particular case it's true! He has the most vivid and active imagination. He notices the details in things, whether it's a fabric texture, a color, a pattern in nature or a concept that isn't visual at all. He "gets" or appreciates the things surrounding him that most kids wouldn't even notice. I could go on and on about his kindness and sensitivity to the people and creatures in the world, his sense of humor and his love for those that are dear to him. But, I'll stick to the subject - one creative kid.

So, the tree fort has become RT's recent obsession - kind of like the Winchester Mystery House. We can usually hear the pounding of a hammer from far in the distant corner. The photos taken today captured the tree fort as it stands on this day only. I can guarantee that as my RT Boy dreams tonight, new and interesting additions will be envisioned and the hammer will once again be swinging tomorrow morning.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

garden party

There are not many things that I love more than a summer evening in the country. When the sun begins to slip down behind the trees and the breeze comes up as it usually does, there seems to be a collective exhale. All of the creatures that have been hiding from the afternoon heat creep out from under bushes to enjoy the relief. We all emerge and seem to gather in the garden.

Last night was no exception. Granted we have a gigantic garden, but it was filled with helpers. That's what we call them anyway. The cats come out first. Henry is the Master Cat Gardener. Well, actually he's more of a foreman. Lots of monitoring and no work...

Next come the dogs. Nell paces the garden dragging her fuzzy slippers through the soil. And finally come the ladies. They wait until it's cool to enjoy an evening dust bath. They dig and flop, stretch and fluff, working the cool dirt through their feathers.Then they doze in the hollow that they've made under the tomato plants.

Some people say that the kitchen is a home's gathering place. At our house it's the garden!

Monday, June 20, 2011

father's day

Yesterday was Father's Day, one of the days of the year when GW is center stage, the main event. As I prepared for the big day, making my killer chocolate chip cookies for him and other important men in our life, I got to thinking about how the perfect chocolate chip cookie is a lot like a great father, like GW for instance.

The cookie consists of a short list of pure and simple ingredients, but combined together make an extraordinary, complex treat. GW is a perfect mix, an uncomplicated combination of traits that create an amazing dad. Both a cookie and a father should be firm and solid in exterior stature, yet soft and tender on the inside. They are both sweet and a tiny bit savory. And even though you know exactly what to expect when considering the cookie or the father, there are still times when they are both so fine and sweet that is actually surprises you a little, an unexpected delight.

Both father, like GW, and the chocolate chip cookie are classics that are loved through and through by most people that encounter them. However, there is a difference between the two... Unlike the delectable chocolate chip cookie, a good father's love and devotion for his family never comes to an end. Certainly the cookie would meet with a swift finish, especially in our house. And especially if said father is anywhere nearby...

Happy Father's Day, GW. You are one sweet cookie!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

got my wish - unfortunately...

Well, be careful what you wish for. Two nights ago we received a text from one of the 4-H camp chaperones letting us know that RT had taken a fall on his right knee and it was now swollen up like a balloon. They said he appeared fine... other than the swelling and color changing (I learn this later...) Now, I am trying to be a more faithful (in the holy sense) person, so I take the horrible, unsettled, nagging feeling that I had been having as a sign that I should swallow 800 mg of Motrin, pack my aching back in the car and drive over to check on my little campers. Well, no sooner had I arrived than a tearful RT joined me for a trip to the staff bathroom so I could inspect the damage. And damage there was...

Now, anger and fear are wonderful, pain-killing emotions. One minute I'm flat on my back at home in the game room, drooling from the muscle relaxers to help my back. The next minute I am packing into the car one child's camping crap, duffel bags, sleeping bag, air mattress, and other loose stuff that I probably mistakenly stole for the poor kid's bed next to RT's. I hugged Bee ( bravest little camper that there ever was), said good-bye, and scooped up my big boy and we were outta there, truckers!

One doctor visit, one x-ray, and one knee-immobilizer-place visit later, the pediatrician says no fracture on the x-ray, but still an angry, swollen knee. So, now we sit and wait for the orthopedist to call for the big appointment. Hopefully tomorrow.

Bee will come home tomorrow.

The sun will come out - tomorrow - bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun...

One camper home... One shortly on her way. I need my little ducklings home. Things are not good when they're away.

Monday, June 13, 2011

4-H camp

So, not a day goes by where I don't just "adore" RT and Bee... well, maybe not adore, more like "enjoy". OK, enjoy might be too strong a word on some days. How about "tolerate", that seems like a pretty appropriate word. Yes, if I'm being honest, there are even a few days where we just try to "weather" them until bedtime. And on those days I would give any amount of money for a break - a short time without Bee's crazy voices that she does or RT screaming through the house, "Where's my hat?" Sometimes I just go in the bathroom and sit and enjoy the quiet - for a brief 3 seconds before I'm guaranteed to be joined by at least one cat, two dogs and for sure one child. I love my little kiddos, but i-yi-yi.....

Well, I used to feel this way, right up to 36 hours ago. Bee and RT are at 4-H camp. They are hiking and swimming and sitting by the campfire telling stories. I am supposed to be there with them chaperoning the fun. But, no........ I am icing my back every hour and visiting the Dr. for what feels like 56 herniated disks, or a pulled muscle. Our house seems to have tripled in size and become soundproof. It's so quiet. It's so clean. It's so boring...

Come home, little campers!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

sweet Bee.

I have the sweetest daughter. She literally smells sweet - she always has. Since she was a tiny baby she has had the most perfect scent that I can't quite define ... kind of like hard candy mixed with sweet peas mixed with sugar. It's just her scent. She is the most amazing little person. She is a total contradiction in the body of a ten-year-old. She is fiercely brave, yet at so many times scared and unsure. She is adventurous and curious, yet the biggest home-body in our family. She lounges in girly bubble baths, yet can rock a mud fight in the garden like nobody's business. She's so interesting. She studies the world around her. She's the most detailed oriented child I've ever been around. She can master anything, but doesn't think she can... silly rabbit...

Things Bee loves: to write, to ride, new chicks, cats, converse low-tops, listening to stories, HORSES, her bed, ice cream, hugs and kisses, cooking, to read, making faces, laughing, her family, saying bedtime prayers, snuggling.

Things Bee doesn't love: cleaning the cat box, making her bed, lasagna, things that happen in life that aren't right, putting her dirty clothes in the basket, thunder, being away from home.

I love my sweet Bee with all my heart. She is a gift that I thank God for everyday.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

2011 County Fair

I'm not exactly picking up where I left off, but where we are currently in our little life on the farm ... recovering from the 2011 County Fair. We prepped. We loaded in. We showed our best. We represented. We loaded out and came home. A very successful fair for everyone! Both kids showed goats, chickens and eggs. Yes, you can show an egg. In fact, RT's eggs showed quite well... Supreme Champion Dozen Market Eggs. The Grand Poobah of eggs. That silly little dozen earned him a Champions banner, a Supreme Champion silver belt buckle, and an auction spot in the Champions auction that resulted in $250.00 purchase price! Yes, for a dozen eggs, and no, Grandma and grandpa didn't buy them... that was Izzy's dozen. Second place winning green eggs! So proud of those pushy old ranch hens - who'da thunk it??

But the success didn't stop there. Izzy won Jr. Novice Goat Showmanship, placed second out of nineteen in Jr. Novice Poultry Showmanship. Bee's chicken, Bridget, was one of the top 7 chickens at the fair, the best Rose Comb Clean-Legged chicken. Ri Tom's chicken won best in variety for her class, and the goats also did well. Oh yeah, and one of my favorite photos won second place, an artsy photo of dairy cow hides. what a strange secret hobby I have... Ag Photography. Oh well, I love it!

All in all, super job done by everyone. All chickens survived and are healthy. Only one goat and one day's worth of bowel issues - one dose of probiotics seemed to iron that out. Kids are relaxed and happy. Our only problem is figuring our what to do with the eight dozen eggs that are still left in the fridge - with only six hens laying - you have to save eggs for awhile to get a winning dozen!

Can you say breakfast for dinner??