Monday, January 4, 2010

not the bang I was hoping for...

Well, 2010 has been a bust so far. Since New Year's Eve, we have had two emergency vet ranch visits for Tessa, the pony, one vet appointment for Henry, the new barn cat, and one trip to the pediatrician for Bee, who has a raging sinus infection. It's January fourth. It's only January fourth. If I'm going to be glass-half-full kind of gal in 2010, then I should say that we are just getting all this junk out of the way for smooth sailing throughout the rest of the winter and into spring. That's if I was a glass-half-full kind of gal. Today, I'm right on the verge being a glass-really- almost-empty kind of person.

But, OK, I'll try to find the bright spot...Tessa has gastro meds for tonight. Bee has kiddy motrin and amox. So, all should be well for the next 12 hours. Sleep tight - electric blanket here I come.

But wait, Bee just walked up to me... and I do believe she has pink eye. Glass completely empty.

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