Tuesday, August 9, 2011

whoa there...

Wow, where did the weekend go? Lucky for me, part of the weekend was spent learning how to make jam with my sister. I have always, always, always wanted to learn how to make my own jam. To me, making your own jam is the quintessential country girl thing to do.

How many thousands of ladies across numerous generations have stood in sweltering summer kitchens just like my sister and I did? Creating yummy recipes in the middle of a busy and bustling kitchen. Kids in and out, and in and out. Dogs circling around looking for a cool place to rest. Kitchen fans whirling, trying to keep the steam scattered, while the pots on the stove filled with sugary goodness bubbled and boiled madly.

The results? Jams for all palettes: blackberry, peach, blackberry lemon basil, blackberry merlot, cinnamon blackberry vanilla, and peach jalapeno thai basil.

We used peaches from our trees, basil from our garden, and yes, blackberries from our lane. Not too hard, not too easy. A summer country culinary tradition that was just right!

De-lish, with a capital D

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