Friday, August 5, 2011

counting our pumpkins before they've hatched...

Every year I have a struggle planting pumpkins. It's not that the actual act of preparing the ground and planting that's hard. It's the fact that every year we work like dogs to plant everytyhing else in the garden and because you have a little bit of time before pumpkin seeds should go in the ground I am always late doing it.

But this year is a whole different story....

Ground prepared? Check.

Seeds purchased? Check.

Irrigation lines run? Check.

Sunny warm weather? Sunny warm weather? Bueller? Bueller?

Hey, where's the stinking sun?

We have had a crazy, insanely, seriously unusually cool summer. And while I personally love, love, love it! As a gardener it's no bueno.

"Look, Mother Nature... I have two large children, one small niece and her two mini girl friends that I am supposed to be growing a pumpkin patch for. I held up my end of the bargain - for once - so bring it! Cast you light, give us your best shot, let'er rip."

Sun on the pumpkins, please, ma'am.


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