Thursday, December 30, 2010

Katy's Big Day

Katy kitty got the green light today from Dr. Strasser. She was released from spending 6 weeks in an extra large dog crate in the kitchen...

At the beginning of October Katy and two siblings were trapped under the girls bathroom at RT and Bee's elementary school. The janitor set a humane trap and pulled the little family out revealing that Katy had a very injured left hind leg. Of course, families took the other two kittens leaving "injured kitty" in the trap in the janitor's room.

As soon as I arrived at school to pick up the kids, Bee begged me to go see the kitties... I was sunk right off the bat. Greg was also at school with me. You can probably guess the rest... We told the janitor that we would take the injured Kitty to our friend Dr. Strasser and see if he would "help" us out with this poor little thing. And help he did.

Katy had a displaced femur fracture that had probably happened a week previous. Her leg muscles were severely contracted as her body attempted to stabilize the broken bones. We went to see Strasser and he gave us two options: 1. amputation 2. put a pin in that will be wired to her femur. We opted for option 2. The surgery went beautifully and after two weeks of "healing" in the crate and escaping from the crate, she had rebroken the bone, and she was off to another surgery. This time a plate with 8 pins was put in that spanned almost the entire length of her little leg bone.

Four more weeks in the crate in the kitchen and this morning, with our fingers and toes crossed, we headed back to the hospital for an x-ray that would hopefully show she was good to go and get the green light for a new life on the outside.

I took 54 pictures of her this afternoon enjoying her first moments of freedom. Nearly all of the pictures were blurry and crazy due to the nature of my subject... I opted to post a resting photo of the new and hopefully improved Katy Kitty.

Note: Katy was named after the Dr. that did her initial intake appointment and assisted on her first surgery. We just couldn't bring ourselves to name this beautiful little girl Richard...

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