Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back in the Saddle...

I walk. If I remember correctly I started walking sometime around the spring of 2007, or maybe it was 2006 or even earlier. I don't remember. I like walking. I wish I ran. I do sometimes. It's quite a sight. I am not a runner. I am someone who runs... big difference. Anyway, I walk for a variety of reasons: to move my booty, to improve my health, to be a model for my kids, to accomplish a training goal. Turns out I am goal oriented. I have completed four half marathons, and I'm getting ready to register for my fifth. Crazy. I would never have thought that at this point in my life I would be getting ready for my fifth half marathon.

I like the sensation of moving my body through space - with purpose. I like the solid feeling I have after months of walking. I like ticking off miles as the training walks increase. That's one reason that I thought it would be fun to see how many miles I can log in 2011. I hate walking on the treadmill, but when you live in the country there are no sidewalks. I am so afraid of getting hit by some redneck blasting down the road - thump, thump... I love walking in town at the park. That's where you can find me on most Saturday mornings. No chance I'm going to get run over, however I may get hit by a softball. I love walking alone. Though I always envy those groups of ladies that you see at the runs that all have matching shirts and take lots of hugging photos at the start line. Fun. But when you don't like to train with others or race with others then you can't expect that you'd be one of those purple-t-shirt-wearing chicks smiling and posing before the gun with all your BFFs...

I am going to try to be a more social walker. Or not. I'm not sure. So, until I decide, I will just continue to walk on my own. The walking farmer.

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