Sunday, January 9, 2011

Glass Half Full?

Ok, so 2011 is starting out dangerously close to the way 2010 started - which was not great... I have already been to the vet to check the site of a tumor on Bryce, my service dog, that seems to be growing back. The tumor was removed four months ago and back so soon. We are crossing our fingers to see if a visiting surgeon from UCD will take a look at Bryce this next week.

Katy the kitty has come into season... so, not only is she writhing around and howling, but she is shaved from the waste down from her last surgery. It looks like she has no pants on. I guess that's a good thing if you're looking for a date. The "surgery" will be scheduled tomorrow.

Let's cross our fingers that this is just residual from the very strange 2010, and soon we'll be good to go!

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