Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Giddy Up!

Today was the perfect day to ride! We haven't seen the sun in what feels like two months... just gray, cold, damp, frosty, foggy weather. No sun. None. But this afternoon it came out. And standing watching Bee's lesson, feeling the warmth from that sun on back, made it a perfect day to ride. Granted, Nick the lesson horse also felt the warm sun and the cool air - a lethal combination when you're a young rider. But Bee did great. It was her first dressage lesson. Turns out that the barn Bee has been taking lesson at for the last few months is an eventing barn. Dressage, cross country, stadium.

Now a beginning dressage lesson looks awfully similar to a regular lesson. But, I appreciated immediately the emphasis on control, heads-up riding with a plan, paying attention to your horse and proper posture. And it's a different posture. "Like ballerina on a horse," Cheron explains. Sitting very straight up and down, which is good for Bee because she usually ends up hunched over the neck like one of those monkeys that ride the australian shepards around the barrel pattern at the rodeos. Hilarious for sure, if you're a monkey...

Good day.

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