Saturday, June 4, 2011

2011 County Fair

I'm not exactly picking up where I left off, but where we are currently in our little life on the farm ... recovering from the 2011 County Fair. We prepped. We loaded in. We showed our best. We represented. We loaded out and came home. A very successful fair for everyone! Both kids showed goats, chickens and eggs. Yes, you can show an egg. In fact, RT's eggs showed quite well... Supreme Champion Dozen Market Eggs. The Grand Poobah of eggs. That silly little dozen earned him a Champions banner, a Supreme Champion silver belt buckle, and an auction spot in the Champions auction that resulted in $250.00 purchase price! Yes, for a dozen eggs, and no, Grandma and grandpa didn't buy them... that was Izzy's dozen. Second place winning green eggs! So proud of those pushy old ranch hens - who'da thunk it??

But the success didn't stop there. Izzy won Jr. Novice Goat Showmanship, placed second out of nineteen in Jr. Novice Poultry Showmanship. Bee's chicken, Bridget, was one of the top 7 chickens at the fair, the best Rose Comb Clean-Legged chicken. Ri Tom's chicken won best in variety for her class, and the goats also did well. Oh yeah, and one of my favorite photos won second place, an artsy photo of dairy cow hides. what a strange secret hobby I have... Ag Photography. Oh well, I love it!

All in all, super job done by everyone. All chickens survived and are healthy. Only one goat and one day's worth of bowel issues - one dose of probiotics seemed to iron that out. Kids are relaxed and happy. Our only problem is figuring our what to do with the eight dozen eggs that are still left in the fridge - with only six hens laying - you have to save eggs for awhile to get a winning dozen!

Can you say breakfast for dinner??

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