Monday, June 13, 2011

4-H camp

So, not a day goes by where I don't just "adore" RT and Bee... well, maybe not adore, more like "enjoy". OK, enjoy might be too strong a word on some days. How about "tolerate", that seems like a pretty appropriate word. Yes, if I'm being honest, there are even a few days where we just try to "weather" them until bedtime. And on those days I would give any amount of money for a break - a short time without Bee's crazy voices that she does or RT screaming through the house, "Where's my hat?" Sometimes I just go in the bathroom and sit and enjoy the quiet - for a brief 3 seconds before I'm guaranteed to be joined by at least one cat, two dogs and for sure one child. I love my little kiddos, but i-yi-yi.....

Well, I used to feel this way, right up to 36 hours ago. Bee and RT are at 4-H camp. They are hiking and swimming and sitting by the campfire telling stories. I am supposed to be there with them chaperoning the fun. But, no........ I am icing my back every hour and visiting the Dr. for what feels like 56 herniated disks, or a pulled muscle. Our house seems to have tripled in size and become soundproof. It's so quiet. It's so clean. It's so boring...

Come home, little campers!

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