Saturday, June 25, 2011

the tree fort

In the far corner of our property, closest to the road, in the most inconvenient spot ever, a masterpiece has been created. The Tree Fort, RT's labor of love. Now, RT has been building things since he was old enough to hold two objects and stack them together. He is possibly one of the most creative kids I have ever known. Once when he was tiny, he built a city out of blocks on the floor - as many kids do. But, my clever RT rolled the ottoman behind the block city and lined the top of it with blue blocks. When we asked why he did such an odd thing he explained that the ottoman had to hold the sky - the blue blocks... Talk about creating the whole picture in your mind then recreating it for all to see.

RT is a very talented and special boy, as all mothers think their boys are. But in this particular case it's true! He has the most vivid and active imagination. He notices the details in things, whether it's a fabric texture, a color, a pattern in nature or a concept that isn't visual at all. He "gets" or appreciates the things surrounding him that most kids wouldn't even notice. I could go on and on about his kindness and sensitivity to the people and creatures in the world, his sense of humor and his love for those that are dear to him. But, I'll stick to the subject - one creative kid.

So, the tree fort has become RT's recent obsession - kind of like the Winchester Mystery House. We can usually hear the pounding of a hammer from far in the distant corner. The photos taken today captured the tree fort as it stands on this day only. I can guarantee that as my RT Boy dreams tonight, new and interesting additions will be envisioned and the hammer will once again be swinging tomorrow morning.

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