Thursday, July 28, 2011

our style family va-ca

We left our little farm on Monday for a short family vacation/visit to our central California's BIG family farm. And there was one over-arching theme to this vacation -riding... Riding bikes, riding ponies, riding quads, riding gators, riding the hot-walker... and so on.

We absolutely love to visit the big farm! We see all the familiar summer sights: alfalfa, corn, and grapes growing, dogs, dogs, and more dogs, all manner of farm animals, all manner of farm implements, the big old farm house, but mostly we love to see our aunts, uncles and cousins that we love so much. It is one of our family's favorite places to go. We even left Disneyland a day early one year to head back to the farm... call us crazy, I know...

Our kids spend hours playing with animals, running through sprinklers, riding things (of course), and doing some work to earn our keep. They start at dawn and don't stop until way after dark, falling into bed to rest up and do it all again tomorrow.

We so enjoyed this fun getaway, and are especially thankful for the family and friends that kept things going at our place while we were gone!

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